Bridport Museum hits 1 Million

Bridport Museum cares for an enormous collection of pictures of the town and surrounding areas stretching back to the 1860s. About five years ago they started making images from the collection available for anyone to see on Flickr. By April this year, the photographs reached a massive 1 million views!

The Museum currently has over 5000 images on Flickr with more being added regularly. The most recent additions were pictures from Symondsbury. Shipton Gorge will be following soon. There are many images depicting the area’s rope and net making heritage, and also

some of the pictures in the Museum’eclecticic Fine Art Collection can be seen along with many images showing Bridport’s Rope and Net Making heritage.

Museum Director Emily Hicks said: ‘I love this project because it’s as though we’ve brought the Museum into people’s homes. You can relax with a cup of tea and ‘wander’ through the history of your street or your village. We are more than happy to take orders for prints of most of the photographs- what a lovely and usual present that makes for someone.’

To see the images go visit the Flickr site: or search ‘Bridport Museum Flickr.’