Two rescued from the sea

Two people were pulled from the water at Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock, at the weekend.

According to the West Bay Coastguards, it was a case of being in the right place at the right time this Sunday, when officers who were out on a local patrol were made aware by a member of the public of an ongoing incident as they were passing through.

A young male had found himself in difficulty after being swept into the water by a large wave and a family member quickly entered the water to assist.

Due to the powerful swell, both were struggling and finally assisted from the water by other family members and passers-by who made use of one of the available life rings.

Three Officers from West Bay, including the team’s Station Officer and Deputy Station Officer, quickly arrived on the beach to find both casualties safely out of the water.

Solent Coastguard was updated, the rest of the West Bay Team were paged and it was confirmed that the ambulance service were aware of the incident and responding.

Both casualties were quickly assessed by Coastguard Officers and found to be cold, in shock and suffering the effects of swallowing sea water. Immediate first aid was given and both were cared for until the arrival of the ambulance service.

Officers then assisted both casualties to the waiting ambulances that transported them to hospital for onward checks and care.

West Bay Coastguards thank the members of the public who helped with casualty care and for the assistance of NCI Burton Bradstock.

Said a coastguard spokesman: “The weather was glorious and a fine day to be on the beach. However the sea can be deceptive and as these events show, accidents can happen very quickly and without warning.

“If you find yourself in difficulty or if you see something which gives you cause for concern, do not hesitate…dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.”